The start of the NYCRUNS Brooklyn Experience Half Marathon is a high security area. You will need to show your race bib to gain entry.
Please arrive within the time designated for the wave you’re running in. You will not be able to pass through security if you arrive early. You cannot change to an earlier wave on race day.
All runners will pass through security, including a metal detector, to enter the start corrals. No bags will be allowed through security. If you bring additional layers of clothing, you must be wearing them. Weapons of any kind, flammable liquids, fireworks, toxic chemicals, glass containers, alcoholic beverages, illegal substances, blankets, or any other item that security deems dangerous are strictly prohibited and will be confiscated.
The 2024 NYCRUNS Brooklyn Experience Half Marathon start line is located on the edge of McCarren Park on Nassau Avenue at the intersection of Lorimer Avenue & Manhattan Avenue. Runners must enter the McCarren Park start area from North 12th Street and Bedford Avenue.
We strongly recommend that you take public transit to the start at McCarren Park. Due to road closures, traffic will be heavy and street parking will be difficult. Take the L to Bedford Avenue or the G to Lorimer/Metropolitan. We do not recommend the G to Nassau Avenue as street closures and security barriers will make it difficult to walk from there to start. Arriving at the start from Nassau Street or Manhattan Avenue is discouraged as you will be directed to the runner entry point on the opposite side of McCarren Park at Bedford Avenue and North 12th Street.
We do not recommend driving to the start. If you are taking an UBER/Lyft/taxi to the race start or being dropped off by friends or family, please use Meeker Avenue between Frost Street & Graham Avenue as your target destination. Please be aware you will not be able to get any closer to the start in a private vehicle.
All runners will pass through security, including a metal detector, to enter the start corrals. No bags will be allowed through security. If you bring additional layers of clothing, you must be wearing them. You will need to show your race bib to gain entry. Weapons of any kind, flammable liquids, fireworks, toxic chemicals, glass containers, alcoholic beverages, illegal substances, blankets, or any other item that security deems dangerous are strictly prohibited and will be confiscated.
All backpacks and over-the-shoulder hydration vests are strictly prohibited, and runners will not be able to enter the start area with them. Runners will be permitted to enter the start area and run with hydration/fuel belts and handheld water bottles of one (1) liter or less.
Yes. There will be clothing collection bins along the corrals in the start area. Please place any clothing you will not be running in within those collection bins. All clothing collected will be donated to charity.
No. Bag check will not be available at the start. If you are checking a bag, you must do so prior to the race at the Expo. Bags checked at the Expo will be available at the Post Finish Festival.
No. Runners will not be able to pick up their bib and t-shirt on race morning, and you may not run without a bib. Bibs and t-shirts will be distributed at the Expo or in the mail for runners who selected the VIP package.
Runners arrive at different times depending on which wave they will start in. There will be four (4) waves.
Wave 1 starts at 6:55 AM with the wheelchair and handcycle participants, followed at 7:00 AM by the rest of the Wave 1 field. Runners must arrive and pass through security between 5:00 AM - 6:00 AM.
Wave 2 starts at 7:30 AM. Runners must arrive and pass through security between 5:00 AM - 7:00 AM.
Wave 3 starts at 8:00 AM. Runners must arrive and pass through security between 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM
Wave 4 starts at 8:30 AM. Runners must arrive and pass through security between 7:30 AM – 8:15 AM.
*Please do not show up any earlier than instructed above. You will not be able to pass through security and take advantage of pre start amenities beforehand.
You will be assigned a start wave and corral when you receive your race bib either at the NYCRUNS Brooklyn Experience Half Marathon Expo on Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27, or if you are a VIP package runner, your bib will arrive to your home via USPS no earlier than April 8 and no later than April 22.
Both your wave and corral assignment are based on the pace you submitted upon registering. Your submitted pace is visible in your registration history on your NYCRUNS Dashboard. Wave 1 is 4:00 - 5:00 through 8:00 - 9:00 pace per mile. Wave 2 is 8:00 - 9:00 through 9:00 -10:00 pace per mile. Wave 3 is 9:00 -10:00 through 10:00 - 11:00 pace per mile. Wave 4 is 11:00 -12:00 and higher pace per mile.
Your start wave is the large group of runners you will enter and start with. Waves are numbered (1, 2, 3, 4). Your corral is the smaller sections of the wave that you’ll be waiting in before the start. Corrals are lettered (A, B, C, D, E, F).
Yes, but only at the Expo. You cannot change your bib or move to an earlier start wave on race morning.
Do not arrive for a wave start that’s earlier than the wave start designated on your bib. You will not be able to pass through security until the arrival time window for your wave. You cannot change to an earlier wave.
Yes. Runners will be able to gain entry to start waves that are later than what was assigned. (i.e., a Wave 2 runner can start with Wave 3 or Wave 4).
Yes. The Prospect Park Track Club will be providing pacers for runners looking to run a pace of 1:30 to 3:00. Pacers will be wearing white singlets with PACER and the event graffiti logo on it, and holding a sign with the pace time they'll be running. The wave and corral plan for pacers is as follows:
1:30 pace - Wave 1, Corral A
1:35 pace - Wave 1, Corral A
1:40 pace - Wave 1, Corral B
1:45 pace - Wave 1, Corral D
1:50 pace - Wave 1, Corral F
1:55 pace - Wave 2, Corral B
2:00 pace - Wave 2, Corral C
2:05 pace - Wave 2, Corral F
2:10 pace - Wave 3, Corral B
2:15 pace - Wave 3, Corral D
2:20 pace - Wave 4, Corral A
2:25 pace - Wave 4, Corral B
2:30 pace - Wave 4, Corral C
2:40 pace - Wave 4, Corral D
2:50 pace - Wave 4, Corral E
3:00 pace - Wave 4, Corral F
Runners cannot move up in a Wave or a Corral, but can move back.
Yes. Please visit the medical tent at the Pre-Start Staging Lot (see map above) to use a lactation area and to have your lactation equipment transported to the lactation tent adjacent to the medical tent at the Post-Finish Area.